Entrepreneur Week in 2Blue!

Firstly, welcome back, 2Blue. It has been lovely welcoming you all back to school.
The next three days, the children will learn all about entrepreneurs and gain inspiration from them in preparation for the summer fair!
This week, they will learn about The Cadbury Brothers.
On Wednesday, the children understood what an entrepreneur is by carrying out research. After learning the history of chocolate, the children enjoyed role playing the story. Have a look at the video to see what they got up to.
On Thursday, the children learned where cocoa was grown: they found out that it is grown in tropical climates. They showed a good understanding of the equator and the tropics; they even labelled the continents where they are grown in! In the afternoon, the children took part in a melting chocolate experiment and created bunting for the summer fair!
On Friday, the children worked with money. To do this, they applied their money skills, answering questions. They role-played shopkeepers and played a money game online. In the afternoon, they drank hot chocolate, measured the quantity of sugar and completed a bar chart.

8 responses to “Entrepreneur Week in 2Blue!”

  1. Maryum N.

    I enjoyed and loved looking at the chocolate mealting

  2. Aurora H.

    I enjoyed watching the chocolate melt.

  3. Bilal U.

    I learnt how chocolate is made yesterday

  4. Mustafa F.

    I liked melting the chocolate in Hot water

  5. Yusuf A.

    I enjoyed melting the chocolate 🍫 and colouring the bunting .

  6. Iqra S.

    I loved it thank you soooooo much it was amazing

  7. Hannah B.

    I enjoyed EVERYTHING !!! It was AMAZING Mr Mahmood you are the BEST!

  8. Sara H.

    l had so much fun 🩷❤️😁😁

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