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Request for Eid Photos – Year 4

Many of our families will be getting ready to celebrate Eid at the end of this week and we hope you have a happy and peaceful celebration.

On Thursday 4th May Year 4 will be holding an assembly exploring the history and traditions behind this festival. As part of this, we would love to be able to share some pictures of your celebrations. These will be displayed as a slideshow before the assembly while parents are taking their seats.

If you have any pictures that you are happy to share, please click the link below and upload your photos before Sunday 30th April.

Year 4 Eid Photos

11 responses to “Request for Eid Photos – Year 4”

  1. Zaeem J.

    I have sent my Eid photo

  2. Amirah T.

    I have sent my eid photos in.

  3. Arfa S.

    My mum has sent my eid photo.

  4. Afsa P.

    I senses my funny Eid photo

  5. Sabiha K.

    Has my mum already sent some photos already.

    1. Miss Woodman

      Yes, Sabina, they are lovely! Thank you for sharing.

  6. Myiesha S.

    I have sent my Eid photos.

    1. Miss Woodman

      Thank you for sharing, Myiesha!

  7. Yunus H.

    I have uploaded Yunus’s and his brothers Eid photo a

    1. Miss Woodman

      Thank you!

  8. Manha S.

    I would love to send my Eid photos

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