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Y2 PSHE – Making Honest Choices

Y2 will learn to make good choices this half term.

Ladybirds, Spiders and Bees answered two scenarios and explained if they were a poor or good choice. Butterflies and Caterpillars shared their answers through circle time.

In the comments below, share how you have made an honest choice today or in the holidays. We would love to read them.

8 responses to “Y2 PSHE – Making Honest Choices”

  1. Maximilian J.

    A good choice is super good for god

  2. Ella C.

    A good choice is being truthfull and helpful

  3. Shaheer N.

    A good choice is being helpful.

  4. Salman O.

    It was fun.

  5. Hasnaa N.

    I be onus to good. and. To onions

  6. Zakariyah A.

    I have made an honest choice because my mum told me to read my book but I forgot. When she asked me I told her that I didn’t read it because I forgot.

    Not being honest can make people sad if they get blamed for something that is not true.it can also get the wrong people into trouble .

  7. Evie T.

    I made a good choice today because a wanted to do my spellings practice as soon as I finished school and scored 7 out 10 on my first try after the holidays 😃

  8. Anu K.

    I Lernt that lieing is a bad choese.

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