Hello Year 6, another fantastic half term you have had. SATs practice gone really well, an awesome trip to London and to finish it off with a creative performance week. Have a look at the highlights for this half term and tell us what you have enjoyed? We hope you have a super break and we look forward to seeing you after the break ready for your SATs. Mrs Khan, Mrs Sharma, Mr Inman and Mrs Janjua.

How have you made progress this half term?

What skills have you learnt this half term?





7 responses to “Year 6 Portfolios – Spring 1”

  1. Jaydon C.

    I have made progress this half-term because I learned new thing like how to covert fractions into decimals and I have reached my target of getting GD in reafing

  2. Safa M.

    How have you made progress this half term ?

    I have improved because I can now write lots of writing making it very formal and having good quality adding extra parenthesis and information. An example is my Carl Linnaeus work or the debate.

    What skills have you learnt this half term ?

    I can now identify ratio and also I have learnt a multitude of new vocabulary.

  3. Faizan R.

    I have made progress because I know how to do algebra . The skills I learnt are finding percentages of amounts and dividing decimals

  4. Gufran E.

    I have made progress this half-term because i can embed bullet points and research into a paragraph . This half-term, i have learnt how to incorporate different sentence openers in my sentences.

  5. Lawy A.

    How have you made progress this half term?

    I know who Carl Linneus is he made the classification system for plants and animals.

    What skills have you learnt this half term?

    I can now work out algebraic equations and ratio problems.

  6. Surinder J.

    How have you made progress this half term?
    I have made progress by writing a biography on Frida Kahlo and Carl Linnaeus. Also, I have made progress by achieving any challenges and improving my score from the other mock tests.

    What skills have you learnt this half term?
    I have learnt how to make sculptures out of dough and I know how to calculate ratio and algebra.

  7. Kevin R.

    I like the spring 1 portfolio.

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