FAO Esa and Kevin (6R), Safiyah and Lillie (6W) and Joni and Saee (6B)

Hello Parents

Thank you so much for offering to come to London with us on Wednesday. If you arrive in school with your child at 7:15am and come to the classroom, that would be great.

We have a tour booked around the Houses of Parliament.  There are four groups.  Each group will have a mix of school staff and parents in.  The tour will be led by volunteers. We are there to support.

After that, we will do a bit of sight-seeing in our class groups – 6Red, 6White and 6Blue.  Depending on time, we will head towards The London Eye (which will include time in the Jubilee Gardens), The Cenotaph / Downing Street and Buckingham Palace.  How much we get to see will be dependent on time.

I have printed off the important documents for you (groupings, allergies, routes, my number for emergencies and some brief information on the landmarks) and I will give them out on Wednesday morning when you arrive.

We will have a snack before entering the Houses of Parliament and will eat our lunch afterwards. Bring enough food with you.

You can find more details on our blog or if you have any specific questions, please ask on here.

See you on Wednesday.

Thanks again.

9 responses to “Year 6 London Parent Helpers”

  1. Manvi R.

    Thanks for the informations.

  2. Kaif B.

    Thank you for the information.

  3. Lillie

    Thank you for the information

  4. Safiyah P.

    Thank you for the information.

  5. Saee N.

    This is Saee’s mum. thank you for the information

  6. Joni O.

    This is Joni’s Mum. Thanks for the information.

  7. Nihit N.

    Thank you for the information!

  8. Esa M.

    Thank you for the information, looking forward to it. Hopefully the weather is good too. Mum

  9. Joel G.

    Ok thanks for the information

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