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Year 5 Perform Jack and the Beanstalk

The amazing year 5 children have worked so hard this week to put together a play of Jack and the Beanstalk to show our lovely Nursery children. They made their own props and practised hard under a lot of time pressure. Well done, everyone!

11 responses to “Year 5 Perform Jack and the Beanstalk”

  1. Minaal A.

    sorry my cousin wrote gels when i went to do something

  2. Minaal A.

    i liked making the clouds and the bean stalk it was so much fun also the performance was very good what i liked about the performance is that the bean stalk grew and when they cut the bean it actually fell because they dropped the thread. also we had so much fun i wish we have more project weeks like this.

  3. Tipian I.

    The performance was absolutely great .
    I hope the nursery Children enjoyed it .
    All our practice was worth it

  4. Tipian I.

    The performance was absolutely great .
    I hope the nursery Children enjoyed it .

  5. Zahraa Y.

    This was really fun! I could tell that the nursery children enjoyed it! Thank you for putting effort and hard work into this!

  6. Ibrahim M.

    This was fun.

  7. Mohammed W.

    It was so fun

  8. Minaal A.

    i had so much fun doing the performance in front of the nursery

  9. Tana I.

    The performance was absolute brilliant

  10. Aisha A.

    i have enjoyed acting.

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