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Year 3’s Dance Club Performance!

Today Year 3 went to the Coventry Cathedral to share their dance with other schools! This dance club has been inspired by the magical Nutcracker ballet, all the children have been working really hard and we are very proud of all they have accomplished! It has been a delight to see everyone learn new dance skills, grow in confidence and use their creativity. Well done everyone! Watch the video below to see what we’ve got up to!

What was your favourite part of our dance? Comment below and share your thoughts.

20 responses to “Year 3’s Dance Club Performance!”

  1. Mrs Hurt

    Wow! What a fantastic performance! Well done, all you fantastic dancers! You have worked so hard in this club and have impressed your teachers and the audience at the cathedral. A huge thanks to Miss Holland and Miss Redhead for giving the children this great opportunity.

  2. Emil D.

    It was so nice

  3. Zakariyah T.

    Well done 👍

  4. Jari V.

    Well done everyone .

  5. Jari V.

    Well done and good job.

  6. Jari V.

    Well done everyone.

  7. Jari V.

    Well done everyone who was in the dance club I am really proud of you.

  8. Jari V.

    Well done everybody for performing!
    My favorite part dancing to the Nutcracker was twirling around.

  9. Yasmin A.

    Good job

  10. Yusuf S.

    I really enjoyed all of the rehearsals and loved being part of the show!

  11. Esa A.

    well done

  12. Sidrah S.

    Lovely performance everyone!

  13. Mrs A Patel

    Wow, what an amazing performance year 3!
    I am really impressed with you all. I really enjoyed watching you all dancing and feeling well proud of you all. Well done!

  14. Aadam R.

    it was the best and my favroute part was spining

  15. Toleen S.

    I loved preforming.My favourite part was spinning around.

  16. Jebrin Y.

    They remembered a lot not forgetting. What I thought after I watched was waiting lots of stretches.

  17. Jebrin Y.

    Well done to who made a dance performance.

  18. Halimah K.

    Well done everyone I like the moves

  19. Chavi L.

    Well done everyone It was amazing to watch them perform at cathedral. Thanks

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