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SMSC- Year 1 retell the Nativity Story

This week in SMSC, Year 1, looked at the Nativity Story. The children re-enacted scenes from the story and developed a good understanding about why this story is important in the Christian faith. Have a look at their fantastic performances.

I Blue
1 White
1 Red

Why is this story important in the Christian faith?
Can you 3 of the characters in this story?
What did the 3 Wisemen bring?

Remember to comment on the blog to win a prize from Mrs Shergill

4 responses to “SMSC- Year 1 retell the Nativity Story”

  1. Amina A.

    1 the father(God him self)
    2 the son ( Jesus christ)
    3 the Holy spirit
    1 protagonist
    2 Antagonist
    3 Relationship
    Wise bring
    1 oil
    2 Perfume
    3 gold asmbol of kind ship

  2. Aaron R.

    Why is this story important in the Christian faith?
    Because it tells the story of baby Jesus when he was born.
    Can you 3 of the characters in this story?
    Mary,Joseph and baby Jesus and the donkey.
    What did the 3 Wisemen bring?
    Presents for baby Jesus. They brought gold.

  3. Iver V.

    1. The story is important to Christian faith because Jesus was born at Christmas time.
    2. Joseph, Jesus and Mary.
    3. The three wise men brought gold, frankincense and myrrh.

  4. Samuel N.

    The 3 characters is Mary, Josphe and the 3 Wise man

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