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Year 5 Autumn 2 Well-being Day!


Today, the children used their knowledge of persuasive language and features, which is linked to our English unit this term for travel brochures. To do this they created an IMovie documenting all they have learnt about travel in Spain. They enjoyed using their computing, performing and team building skills to advertise their knowledge and research. Take a look at the video below showcasing their IMovies.


We learnt how yoga can support our physical and mental well-being. We followed a Cosmic-Kids tutorial and followed a Harry Potter story.

Board Games

The children shared the Broad Heath values of knowledge, communication and teamwork when sharing board games in small groups. They enjoyed the opportunity to engage in games that challenged their logic and systematic thinking.

Active Maths

Today in Active maths we used our prior knowledge of Roman numerals to match a football team’s shirt numbers with the correct Roman numerals. To keep active we used our bodies to model out larger numbers in groups as well as carrying out short exercise tasks. Finally, we tested out new learning of factors and prime numbers to solve problems as a team. What Broad Heath values did you use to succeed?

Kindness Bookmarks

Today we looked at the science behind the act of Kindness. We found out that kindness is doubled once you do something for another. So with this in mind we created kindness bookmarks for someone else. This ensured everyone received and gave kindness. Here are some of our ‘bookmarks of kindness’.

What was your favourite activity of the day?

11 responses to “Year 5 Autumn 2 Well-being Day!”

  1. Yunus R.


  2. Ramarni J.

    All activities were so fun but my favourite ones are the yoga and bookmarks!

  3. Ali A.

    I my favourite activity was board game as you had to think where to take out the Kenya block.

    1. Ali A.

      Jenga block

  4. Hasbia D.

    I enjoyed every activity. They were all very fun.

  5. Zahraa Y.

    I don’t have a favourite because all of them were my favourite I was really glad to do this!

  6. Xlexben F.

    My favorite thing we did was play games inside .

  7. Hudayifah A.

    My favourite part was and still is the documentaries than board games ♟

  8. Tana I.

    I liked playground game the bookmark then documentary then active math and sadly yoga.

  9. Mohammed S.

    My favourite activity of the day was playground games because it was fun.

  10. Sania K.

    My favourite activity was making book marks because we could be kind to each other .

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