Week 1 in Reception Blue

What a fantastic start to the new term we have had. The children have come in happy and have settled in quickly to our routines. ๐Ÿ˜Š The new topic for this half term is โ€˜Living and Growingโ€™ and looking at โ€™Our Communityโ€™.

PSED – We talked about babies and toddlers and how we have changed. We were really lucky to have a zoom call with the lovely Miss Smith and her beautiful newborn Lilah.๐Ÿ˜Š

Communication & Language – We prepared questions to ask in preparation for a visit from toddler.

Understanding of the World – We talked about similarities between things in the past and now, drawing on their experiences. We had a visit from Mrs Langleyโ€™s lovely toddler Addie.๐Ÿ˜Š This provided the children with an opportunity to compare the baby and toddler with themselves as a child.

Maths – We learnt about doubling and practised making doubles of numbers. We also looked at length and discussed which is tallest/shortest tower.

Expressive Art & Design – The children used mirrors and pencils to sketch a self portrait.

Literacy – To write about a baby, toddler and child can do. Children were encouraged to spell words using their phonic knowledge.

SMSC – To find out about the natural world. Children explored the outdoor area and made sun-catchers.

On Friday afternoon we had โ€™Stay and Playโ€™. It was lovely to see so many parents come in. ๐Ÿ˜Š

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