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Health Week Information – Year 2

Next week is Health Week. Please remember to wear your PE kits from Monday – Thursday. Friday is non- uniform day.

During the week, we are going to walk to the Greengrocers to buy some healthy fruit. Please can you bring in 50p towards your fruit. We are going to use this to make a fruit kebab.

Thank you and have a lovely weekend.

10 responses to “Health Week Information – Year 2”

  1. Havin A.

    I’ve only seen this message now, havin will be in pe kit from tomorrow and she will bring in 50p.

  2. Eva H.

    im so excited.

  3. Jad A.

    but is it halal

    1. Head Teacher

      Sorry….don’t be rude.

      1. Head Teacher

        How can fruit not be halal?

  4. Jad A.

    I’m excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Ebnezere A.

    Thank you

  6. Ameena I.

    Yay I’m so excited.

  7. Yusuf S.

    Looking forward to heath week, it sounds exciting.

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