4 Blue Discuss Insulators

4 Blue have been working in groups to create work explaining the importance of insulators. Here are some of their videos. The children had to plan, produce, direct, film and perform their own videos. Good job, 4 Blue!


What is an insulator?

Tell me an example of an insulator?

Why are insulators important?

What would happen if everything was a conductor?

4 responses to “4 Blue Discuss Insulators”

  1. Umama H.

    What is an insulator ?
    An insulator is something that does not let electricity pass through .
    Tell me an example of some insulators ?
    Here are some examples of insulators: paper,book,wool and fabric.
    Thes are all insulators because thay are not metal.
    Why are insulators important ?
    They are important because they protect you from getting shot.
    What would happen if everything ?
    If everything was a conductor all then all things will allow electricity pass through.
    Which means you cannot protect yourself from getting shocked because if you hold something and it is eletric you will get shot.
    It also means that you are a conductor of electricity.

  2. Hasbia D.

    What is an insulator?
    An insulator is an object that does not allow electricity to pass through.
    Tell me an example of an insulator?
    An example of an insulator is a book because a book is not metal.
    Why are insulators important?
    Insulators are important because they protect us from electricity.
    What would happen if everything was a conductor?
    If everything was a conductor, electricity would pass through everything therefore if someone was to handle something electric they would not be able to protect themselves. Also everything would most likely be metal as it is the main conductor of electricity.

  3. Sania K.

    What is an insulator ?
    An insulator is something that prevents us to touch the conducted especially with wet hand also it prevents us to get metric shot.
    Tell me an example of an insulator?
    A example of a insulator is fabric .
    Why are insulators important?
    Insulators are important because it prevents us from getting metric shot.
    What would happen if everything was a conductor?
    If everything was a conductor the world would not be safe and when we touch things we have a high chance of getting electric shot

    1. Sania K.

      What is an insulator ?
      An insulator is something that does not let electricity pass through it .

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