3B Poetry Performances

Today the children had the opportunity to perform their Limericks and silly poems as a group. They used loud, clear voices and created actions to the poems.

Saturn Table

Jupiter Table

Neptune Table

Mars Table

Venus Table

Which performance was your favourite? Why?

What are the features of a Limerick?

13 responses to “3B Poetry Performances”

  1. Aaron G.

    My favourite performance was mars because they had loud and clear voices.
    The features of a Limerick is that there are 5 lines,lines 1 2 and 5 rhyme, lines 3 and 4 rhyme, lines 1 2 and 5 are long sentence so lines
    3 and 4 are short.

  2. Alima S.

    I would improve my act more clear.

  3. Hamsia D.

    Which performance was your favourite? Why?
    All the table groups were great because they had clear voices and they thought of very great ideas.
    What are the features of a Limerick?
    There are five lines. The first, second, and fifth line rhyme and the third and fourth lines rhyme. The first, second, and fifth line have 8-9 syllables and the third and fourth line have 5-6 syllables.

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      Totally agree with you Hamsia!
      Can you write a Limerick about me?

      1. Hamsia D.

        Mrs Khaliq is very nice,
        Sometimes she can be colder than ice,
        Mrs Khaliq can be quite clever,
        She will be one of my best teachers forever,
        But she is 100 times louder than mice.

  4. Meena B.

    I think all of the tables were good because they tried their best and I loved how they came up with such ideas!.
    The features of a Limerick is that 5,2 and 1 rhyme and 3 and 4 rhyme.
    And they need 5 lines to be a Limerick.

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      Well said Meena, each group was unique.
      Can you write a limerick about me?

  5. Amirah T.

    The features of a limerick are they have 5 lines, lines 1,2 and 5 rhyme and 3 and 4 rhyme. They tell a story. They rhyme and are a type of poem.

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      Great job Amirah. Can you write a limerick about me?

  6. Amirah T.

    I liked Neptune’s because Neptune had clear voices and it was my table.

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      I agree that Neptune table had clear voices and Neptune table did perform brilliantly. In fact we were very proud of everyone in 3 Blue, everyone recited their poems clearly and loudly.

  7. Alima S.

    Saturn because it was great when they perform.
    It was better then my table.
    A limerick has 1,2 and 5 line that rhyme.

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      Well done Alima. What would you improve with your performance next time?

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