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Year 6 Homework (Due 12/01/2022)

Spring 1 – Week 1 Overview

This Week’s Homework

Grid Homework Activities

Setting Description for Journey to the Centre of the Earth

6W – please complete your checklist

6 Red Jemisons
(2 tasks from each section via Education City)

Mathletics – Fractions
(4 tasks set on Mathletics).


Reading journal and challenges completed

Week 2 Spellings – To be done in your books

Expected: Show a variety of sentence types.
(Sentences must include a fronted adverbial, commas, adjectives and conjunctions)

Jemisons: You must include expanded noun phrases and capital letters for proper nouns.

17 responses to “Year 6 Homework (Due 12/01/2022)”

  1. Ayomide O.

    You wrote artificial twice

  2. Leyad R.

    Mr Janjua I’ve done my homework however when the low score were reset in all of the I got 7+ but then it stills resets

  3. Elyas S.

    I have done my homework.

  4. Elyas S.

    I have done my mathletics and spat.com.

  5. Aamina B.

    Where do I find the link for the reading comprehension?

  6. Reece T.

    Mr Janjua where is the comprehension?

  7. Aamina B.

    How do I complete the reading comprehension?

  8. Zaid M.

    For our homework, where do I find a reading comprehension based on ‘The Journey to the Centre of the Earth’?

  9. Danyaal H.

    I have done all the homework’s but I can’t find the spag one.

  10. Yahya K.

    Were are the questions for the reading comprehension

  11. Harroop S.

    I have done the Art/English but there is no work to be displayed on mathletics or SPaG.com.

  12. Danyaal H.

    I have done the math, spag and I did the reading homework.

  13. I have completed my homework,but I can’t find the mathletics and I can’t see the SPaG.com.

  14. Hamaad D.

    How do I do my work on the chapter ‘The Sea Monster’?

  15. Qasim K.

    There no homework in mathematics…

  16. Qasim K.

    I have completed the wow homework in my homework book.

  17. Abdullah A.

    Ok I have done the homework and now will do the mathletics and SPAG.com

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