To suggest improvements to a product.

Last week we made our pizzas. This week we are going to evaluate them.

Answer the questions below in full sentences.

Was your pizza the same as your original design? If not how was it different?

What did you like about your pizza?

What didn’t you like about your pizza?

What problems did you face?

How would you improve your pizza if you made it again?

93 responses to “Year 3 Pizza Evaluation”

  1. Alima S.

    By adding salt and different taste. πŸ˜ŠπŸ•πŸ•πŸ•

  2. Adam O.

    By trying to roll the dough harder.

  3. Myiesha S.

    The pizza was how my group wanted it to be.
    They liked but some took off the toppings.
    I liked the pizza that had the peppers on it.
    The pizza had so many toppings that it tasted like a soft smooth milkshake.

  4. Amina H.

    Ti is not the same as my original pizza πŸ•.
    I like the taste cheese πŸ§€.

  5. Aisha A.

    My pizza was same as my original one. This is because of the taste.
    I like my pizza because it was crispy and Nice. I didn’t like the cheese πŸ§€.
    The problem was weighing the flower.

  6. Vaneza S.

    No because it had mushrooms and cheese.
    I liked how much cheese I put on and the amount of passata.
    The crus because it was to much thick and mushrooms
    I’ve faced the flour and dough sticking to the table
    I would put more cheese and the crud a bit thin.

  7. Afsa P.

    It did.πŸ•πŸ‘…πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸ³
    I like the cheese πŸ§€ it is sssooooooooo good.πŸ§€
    I didn’t like the crust it was to crunchy.πŸ•
    To spread the tomato πŸ… sauce.πŸ…
    By adding more cheese onπŸ§€.

  8. Amelia A.

    It was the same as the pizza that I made because it did have the same
    topping. I like mushroom because it was tasty.because it was to thin.
    because there was to much chees. I will ad less cheese.

  9. Bethany P.

    I think it turned out very good it was how I planned it!
    I loved all of it but If I could choose only one I would choose the taste because it was soft and had the perfect texture.
    I loved all of it I dint have any least favourite about the pizza.
    I faced a difficult problem it was spreading the passata on the dough the knife kept getting stuck in the dough.
    I would improve it by putting more toppings,thicker dough,gooey cheese.

    1. Miss Holland

      Great evaluation Bethany. How do you think you could overcome your problem with spreading the passata?

      1. Bethany P.

        By being more gentle.

    2. Bethany P.

      It was the same as I planned/thought.
      I liked the cheese and the tomato sauce.
      I loved everything in the cheese pizza and the tamato sauce.
      I faced nothing hard.
      By making it more better!
      All said by Nicolas!

    3. Bethany P.


  10. Alima S.

    My πŸ• is the same as my original. This is because it was πŸ˜‹.
    I liked my pizza because it smell 100/100 nice.
    I didn,t like the πŸ… on my πŸ•.
    The problem I faced were the mixing part.
    Next time to improve I would do it at 🏠.
    From Alima

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      What would you do to improve your design next time Alima?

  11. Ravi P.

    1.My pizza πŸ•. Wuss. Verya. Good. Lookin. Because. is yummi
    2. I. Lord The. πŸ§€ Sowa. Sowa Mucha
    I. Local. The. Pizza πŸ•πŸ• πŸ• πŸ• .Sowa SSowa. Much a

    3.I did. Not. Loca. Nubian. From a. The
    Pizza πŸ• πŸ• πŸ• πŸ• πŸ• πŸ• πŸ• πŸ•

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      How would you improve your pizza Daniel?

  12. Aaron G.

    My pizza is the same as my original.This is because my original design tasted nice.I liked my pizza because it tasted amazing. The problems I faced was me spreading with a butter knife.
    Next time to improve is I would change the recipe

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      How would you change the recipe Aaron?

  13. Ahmad R.

    My pizza was the same as my original pizza.This is because it was tasty.
    I liked my pizza because it looked tasty.
    The problem I faced was my hands got dirty.
    Next time to improve I would change the recipe

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      How would you change the recipe Ahmad?

  14. Safa S.

    I had cheese on my pizza
    what I don’t like is the tomato sauce
    I like the cheese
    To improve the pizza we could add less cheese

  15. Minhaj A.

    It was hard to roll because if I rolled it hard the dough will fall a part so it was hard.

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