School Uniform *includes costs*

There is an expectation that all children wear school uniform, as we believe the ethos of teamwork is reflected in this shared appearance. Our school uniform is

What we expect for school uniform

  • A navy-blue sweatshirt
  • Grey/black/navy skirt or trousers
  • White/blue polo shirt
  • School shoes or all black trainers
  • Summer dresses in blue and white checks or stripes

What we expect for school PE kit

  • Blue Broad Heath PE top
  • Black/dark grey jogging bottoms

Examples of footwear:

  • Salwaar Kameez/tunic in navy blue.
  • Head coverings – If headwear is to be worn for religious reasons it should be in the style of a bandana ensuring eyes and ears are visible.


Available every day at the Main Office

Badge: £3

Jumper & Badge: £7.50

Cardigan & Badge: £9.50

PE Top: £4

Water Bottle: £1.50

Swimming Caps: £2

Swimming Goggles: £2.50

Small Book Bag: £5.00

Large Book Bag: £6.50

Please bring correct money as we are unable to issue any change.

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