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Saying goodbye to Year 6 2020

A few messages from our Governors

A message composed by Miss Sheik Ahmed

Your foundations are strong as a broadheather.

Wishing you all Joy and Happiness as you start your new journeys in life.

Always believe in yourself and your halfway there.

Samina Jahangir

We wish you the best in your future endeavours, we know that the knowledge, skills and values you’ve learnt from Broad Heath will carry you through life. Thank you for being great BH Citizens and a pleasure to have taught over the years.

54 responses to “Saying goodbye to Year 6 2020”

  1. Leeda D.

    I wander if I can still comment on blogs. I think not, but if you guys see this. I miss you all!โคAlso I’m so sorry if this has comment has disturbed your day somehow!โœจ๐Ÿ‘ฝโœจ

    1. Head Teacher

      Yes you can comment as long as you are respectful, which you always have been. Enjoy x

  2. Christiana D.

    Thank you for the message I will miss all of you

  3. Amelia M.

    I’m going to miss this school โค

    1. Mr Patel

      Make sure you keep in touch. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ

    2. Miss Vega

      We are going to miss you too!

  4. Ayaan P.

    Thank you to all the staff.And especially all my teachers who have helped me from Reception to now.
    Ms Dahil,
    Mr Stevenson,
    Ms Smith ,
    Mr Wilson ,
    Mr Anderson ,
    Ms Starkey ,
    Mr Patel,
    Ms Hurt ,
    Ms Kaur ,
    And all the other teachers.

    1. Mr Patel

      Very kind of you. Remember to keep pushing yourself and taking challenges with an open mind. Keep being happy. Good luck.

  5. Anora N.

    Mrs Frankish – taught me to always try new food even if I wasnt keen.

    Mrs langley- taught me to become more confident

    Mrs walker – taught me to always try my best in all times.

    Mrs Elkin- helped me fined my passion (acting) and taught me that I could do anything If I put effort.

    Mr Mashford-taught me to always have a good mindset and never say I cant.

    Mrs Habib-taught me to never compare myself to others.

    Mrs Jones – taught me to always have a good attitude

    Mrs kiani – helped winth my spanish skills

    Miss shilton and Mr rawlings -helped me with my pe skills.

    Mrs Ahmes-taught me to believe in myself during rough times.

    Mrs Donnely- helped me to always do what I want to do and not what others want me to do.

    the pasttoral team-taught me to express my emotions.

    Graham-helped me to develop my reading skills.

    Overall I would like to thank the bh staff for everything and all there hard work and effort.
    Thank you.

    1. Mr Patel

      It is great to see you showing gratitude to all of your teachers. I am sure they will love your messages!

  6. Ayeza Z.

    miss you already

  7. Ayeza Z.

    sorry I missed it BUT HOPE U are safe and will miss you especially mrs Ahmed who helped me and kept me going and mr Mashford who has made me laugh and that you both ring me I want to say goodbye face to face on zoom on the phone

    1. Head Teacher

      That is lovely you think this way. Stay safe and be fair, you always have been at BH.

    2. Mr Patel

      Remember to always be positive and push yourself. You can achieve anything. Donโ€™t accept being average!

  8. Jeremi J.

    Thank you very much for this journey from Nursery to now. As we were at the assembly my mum was crying and got so emotional. I really will miss all the office staff, dinner ladies, teacher assistants, headteacher, my friends and especially:
    Reception RD: Mrs Dahil
    Year 1s: Mr Stevenson
    Year 2W: Miss Smith
    Year 3R: Mr Wilson and Mrs Chapman
    Year 4R: Mr Anderson
    Year 5B: Miss Starkey
    Year 6R: Mr Patel and Mrs Hurt
    And Mr Strong.
    Thank you again very much.

    1. Head Teacher

      How lovely you have remembered all your teachers and have also said thank you to everyone, You are a very special young man! Thank you also for my present x

    2. Mr Patel

      You have been a star! You are a great pupil and you will be missed.

    3. Mr Patel

      We are going to miss you, Jeremi. Make sure you pop in to say hello from time to time.

  9. Omar B.

    I will miss this school.

  10. Riyad U.

    Goodbye Year 6, Ill miss you all so much!

    1. Mr Patel

      We will miss you too!

      Keep working hard on the blog.

  11. Ianis C.

    Thank you for the message.i will miss all teachers.๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜ข

    1. Head Teacher

      We also missed you at the leaversโ€™ assembly.

  12. Gerry K.

    The book video is really inspirational, thank you teachers
    of Broad Heath for your help and I will use our school values
    on my new journey and I will keep on GAINING!!!!!

    1. Mr Patel

      You are very welcome!

      You will keep GAINING! You will be great! Don’t ever forget this!

  13. Mario G.

    I will miss everyone at Broad Heath SO SO MUCH. I have had so much fun at this school and it is so sad that now we all have to leave you all. I have had a great time at Broad Heath and I will never forget all the good moments. Once a Broad Heather, always a Broad Heather <3

    1. Mr Patel

      You are a brilliant young man! You have had a great year at BH. Keep flying high and always push yourself! Make sure you pop in and say hello from time to time.

  14. Sariya H.

    This video was a lovely message. It breaks my heart that I have to leave this school. But I am also excited as I get to see my old friends. I will get to see you all every Friday as I will have to pick up my little sister from school. I wish you all the best of luck and a great future. You have all helped me to achieve my goals and I hope you have someone to achieve your goals too.

    1. Mr Patel

      YOu have been a super student during your time at BH. You should be very proud!

      Lovely comments from you!

    2. Miss Vega

      I cannot wait to see you every Friday Sariya! I am sure you will have a wonderful smile across your face, as usual!

  15. Jessica M.

    Hi everyone, just wanted to say that I will miss all the teachers at Broad Heath. Thank you for such wonderful memories that I will take away with me to my new school. Itโ€™s gonna feel weird I think, being at my new School but I canโ€™t believe I have completed all these years at BH. I will never forget my years I spent here and will always cherish these memories. Thank you teachers for helping me in my studies.

    1. Mr Patel

      You are very welcome! You have been a SUPERSTAR at BH! Never forget that! You will do great in your next school!

  16. Cosmina L.

    I cant believe this!We have officialy graduated this school! Even if I couldnt accept this,i would have to..at lest now, a new chapter will emerge in my lifetime and i will even get to visit!

    I wish many thanks for teaching me at this school!

    1. Mr Patel

      You are very welcome!

      You will be missed by all of us! Personally, I am going to miss your fun character! You will do brilliantly in your next stage of life. Remember all of the things that you have learnt from BH and take this with you!

    2. Mr Patel


  17. Laraib T.

    It is sad to think that I will be leaving this school as I have been here since nursery. I would like to thank all the teachers for helping me with my work. I would like to thank Miss Vega and Ms Janjua for teaching m win these rough times and also all the teachers that have taught me. I also would like to say that my class have been so nice and hilarious and I am going to miss them all very much. Love you guys xx!!! ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ’•.

    1. Mr Patel

      Me, your teachers and all the other staff are very proud of you! You have done amazingly well this year. Take all of the skills that you have learnt this year with you and will FLY!

      All the best!

      1. Laraib T.

        Thank you so much and hope you the best within your new class.

        1. Mr Patel

          Thank you. Have a great summer. ๐Ÿ––๐Ÿฝ

    2. Miss Vega

      Thank you Laraib for always trying your very best, that attitude will never go unnoticed and it will take you so very far! I miss you already! x

      1. Laraib T.

        Thank you for teaching me and good luck with your new class. My cousins gonna b in your new class have fun with her!!! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ’•โค๏ธ

        1. Miss Vega

          Oh I am sure I will! Here’s hoping Riqbah works as hard as you did!

  18. Haya S.

    good bye have a great day

  19. Zuzanna B.

    Thank you to everyone for all the lovely messages and ,memories I have made in Broad Heath.When I sat down to the check the blog, I realized this and watched the video.It made me smile, laugh and even cry.Even though we will be leaving, we will never forget BH. Thank you!

    1. Mr Patel

      You will do some amazing things next year! Don’t forget this! Always push yourself!

  20. Mr Patel

    Lovely messages – thank you! I am sure our children will appreciate this!

  21. Rahma M.

    Thank you all for this truly amazing goodbye video.๐Ÿ˜ข
    It breaks my heart that we can’t see each other much but at least we are going to leave school with the BH citizen inside our blood and we will remember that we are all ways part of the BH. To all the teachers I just wanted to say that you are the best teachers that I could ever ask for I just don’t want to leave but some how I’ll have to.

    1. Mr Patel

      Such a nice message – thank you.

      You have been a great pupil at BH – you should be proud.

  22. Anya D.

    Thank you for these wonderful messages. I will miss each and every single teacher from Broad Heath. I will miss walking through the corridors and playing in the playground that me and my friends always played in. It is such a shame we have not been able to end the year all together but the little meeting that we have had this week was great! Thank you BH for all that you have taught me in my years here at Broad Heath. and for everyone else in Year 6, well done and good luck for the future!!!

    1. Mr Patel

      Lovely comments from a wonderful student. You have a great future ahead of you and the world is your oyster.

      Keep being you!

    2. Miss Vega

      Thank you for being such a wonderful student this year and every year Anya! You and your parents have been superb BH citizens, we will miss you greatly x

  23. Sara B.

    I just say I am going to miss every teacher in our school no matter what yes where going through hard times but we are strong we can to this thank you for all these years I have learned so much I will have fun at my secondary school and I will come to visit. When am going to have a bad day I will think of all of you ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜”I will miss this school.

    1. Mr Patel

      We will all miss you – you have been a breath of fresh air at BH. You are always welcome to visit and say hello!

      All the best for the future and good luck!

    2. Miss Vega

      We will miss you too! I can’t wait for you to come and visit…

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