6R World Book Day

Welcome to Six Red’s Wonderland of book characters!

World Book Day Song

Taking a step back into our childhood…what did you think?

Stepping into an alternative universe!

We used these short stories to create our own story. Children were asked to pick a theme, an age appropriate novel and a selection of their own Mr Men and Little Miss characters.

Creating our own Mr Men and Little Miss characters!

Check out our own stories (using our prior knowledge of digital animation)

Check out the ”library scavenger hunt” blog!

What was the highlight of your day?

36 responses to “6R World Book Day”

  1. Abdullah A.

    Taking a trip down Twoland,I Little Miss Twins and Saira had Little Miss Trouble.
    Saira found it surprising because little miss trouble had ‘a taste of her own medicine.’
    I found it funny because The Twins didn’t let there guest pay but he had a fine.

  2. Safwan U.

    Taking a step back
    Feeling nostalgic whilst reading a book from my I was impressed they used
    the word contrary which mean the opposite and is similar to the contrasting
    Conjunction on the contrary

  3. Saffiyah K.

    Taking a step back from our childhood, we found it funny that we selected the book called Little Miss Neat and my partner had Little Miss Tiny and it was completely different to her.

    1. Saffiyah K.

      By Afsana and saffiyah

  4. Aayan S.

    Going back to memory lane I got to read LITTLE MISS CHATTERBOX.
    It brought back so many memories and some words which were confusing was LITTLE MISS CONTARY WHICH really surprised and my partner Lisa had a different opinion on her book. Feeling nostalgic whilst reading from LITTLE MISS DOTTY there was some words that I did not know but I really enjoyed reading it

  5. Mohammad A.

    Feeling nostalgic whilst reading a book from my childhood.
    We found it funny that we both selected a book which are opposite to our real feelings. I’m unlucky and I got Mrs Lucky while Xavier got Mrs magic while he is Harry Potter.I was impressed to see the word ‘quivered’ as this means shake or trembly.

  6. Aayan M.

    Feeling nostalgic whilst reading a book from my childhood. I found it funny as the books got was the opposite of me -(Abdullah). I was impressed seeing the words ‘cleverness’ and ‘dreadful’ in this book when I read this book in my childhood-(Aayan M).

  7. Umar H.

    Feeling nostalgic whilst reading a book from our childhood, We have read books from the Little Miss and Mr Men series.Edha who had read ‘Little Miss Bossy’ and me who has read ‘Little Miss Countary’. At first i did not know what countary but later found out it meant:diverse.

    By Umar
    By Esha

  8. Zulqarnain A.

    I’m mi marble I like to be mi marble

  9. Ridwan U.

    I chose to be krakos, because he is a warrior of Greece known to be the god of strength and war, as in the books and games he defeated Ares.

    I got the book little miss star, she wanted to be famous and become a popular Little miss.

  10. Ravi J.

    Taking a trip to memory lane, whilst reading a book from my childhood, I found it funny that I selected little miss Tidy as it is the complete opposite of my personality.
    was surprised to see the word ‘extraordinary’ as it is a quite a high level word .

  11. Mishal N.

    I chose Hermoine Granger from Harry Potter (by J.K Rowlings) the reason why I chose her is because her personality, I also like the Harry Potter books my favourite character from the book is Hermione!

  12. Meghana Miriyam

    I choose the terrible teacher because I like Chris Alton’s books and they are so nice and I liked the terrible teacher the most and it has a little girl so I like the book and I love to be a terrible teacher and giving children dentition.

  13. Aayan M.

    I picked The diary and the wimpy kid this is because I really like the author Jeff Kinney’s books.I also like the series/ book collection.

  14. Arina A.

    I am Katniss Everdeen from Hunger Games. I have chosen to be this character as I decided to be an adventurous character and be more different than Harry Potter and other characters from the past few years.

  15. Abdullah A.

    I chose Oliver Twist because the book is really interesting and the outfit is really cool.

  16. Ilyas I.

    I chose to be Mr Tickle as it matches my personality as well as the fact that is it is simple yet you can do a lot more to make it look more creative without being delicate.

  17. Marley H.

    I am ron weisly from Harry potter in the book Ron is very funny so thats why I want to be ron

  18. Afsana K.

    My book character that I chose to dress up as is Hermione Granger from Harry Potter.
    I am currently reading the 7 books of Harry Potter and i am on my 4th book so far. I also think Hermione is courageous, kindhearted, ecstatic, amazing and won’t listen to anyone who tells her she can’t do anything so that is why I chose to be Hermione Granger for World Book Day!!

  19. Saffiyah K.

    I chose to be Matilda because I read books just like her.Last time from the library I brought a Matilda book and I really enjoyed reading the book so that’s why I dressed up as Matilda.

  20. Rahaniya S.

    I love to celebrate something and I picked up Tweenies in there is one big lady who is feeding dog she dogs like me so then I diced to be chatter box. I hope everyone have nice time.

  21. Steven N.

    I dressed up as where’s Wally because his books are really interesting and fun to spot Wally in the books and also his outfit design is unique

  22. Sabah S.

    I chose to dress up as Matilda as I like books and so does Matilda.

  23. Aayan S.

    I came as Harry Potter as it is one of my favourite book I have read. CANT WAIT FOR THE REST OF THE DAY. AVADA CADABRA!!!!!!

  24. Umar H.

    The character I have chosen is Harry Potter because it is one of my most favourite books that I have read it also is a very unique character to wear

  25. Saira S.

    I chose to be Hermione Granger because of her personality and her love of books (I like reading books too).

  26. Lisa C.

    I chose to be a pig because it’s my favourite animal and I think it was a clever idea cause no one is a pig

  27. Muhammed A.

    My character is Sherlock Holmes.I chose Sherlock Holmes because he is my favourite character in his books.

  28. Harroop S.

    I have chose to be a shadow because I think it represents me as cheeky and stealthy.

  29. Bilawal C.

    Im are Spider-Man.Because they was a adventurous character and I like spiderman

  30. Ravi J.

    I have decided as the famous Harry Potter as the book series is world wide and very famous.

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