5 White’s Music and Technology

This week, we’ve been working hard on using technology to make music. We’ve based our learning on the Ancient Greeks. Watch our video to see what we’ve learnt.

What have you learnt this week?
What school values have you used and how?

How have you surprised yourself this week?

5 responses to “5 White’s Music and Technology”

  1. Keaton O.

    I have learned how to do a backtrack for a song and made a album= Harrison

    I have learnt how to efficiently play on garage band and made a song out of it=keaton

    I used the value of teamwork because we made a song in groups=keaton
    I used the values of resilience because I never gave up = Harrison

  2. Zaeem J.

    I have used the value of Teamwork because I worked with my team.
    I have surprised myself by using Garage band.

  3. Manha S.

    I have leant how to use GarageBand
    I have used teamwork to make a rap together
    By making an rap

  4. Amirah T.

    What have you learnt this week?
    I have learnt more about the Greeks.

    What school values have you used and how?
    I have used teamwork during group work.

    How have you surprised yourself this week?
    My artwork turned out very good.

  5. Sabiha K.

    What have you learnt this week?
    I have learnt how to make a write and sing one.
    What school values have you used and how?
    communication because we had to share our ideas.
    How have you surprised yourself this week?
    I have surprised myself because now I know how to speak fast.

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