Maths Vocabulary – multiplication, factors, prime numbers, division and digit.

Please send Maths to this link, English send to this link, and this link for wow . Homework must be completed by WEDNESDAY.

66 responses to “Year 5 – Week 3 Homework”

  1. Safa K.

    I have uploaded my homework

  2. Zaeem S.

    I will send my home work if the share point wont work it does not matter I will bring my book to school.

  3. Shahzaib M.

    Materials that are good insulators keep liquids hot for a longer time. Examples of good insulators are silicon, various polymers that form gels and foams, and glass.Which materials are best at keeping drinks warm? Keeping liquids hot is all about preventing heat from escaping. Heat flows through different materials at different speeds. Heat generally flows through things like metal very quickly and through things like wood and plastic very slowly.

  4. Simin W.

    I have sent my work to share point!👍

  5. Sadeen S.

    I have uploaded both of my works (English and maths)

  6. Mrs Khan

    Year 5, I tested the link on Friday and it was working so I apologise I’m not sure what has happened. Please try new links on the blog.

    1. Sadeen S.

      The links now work thank you.

  7. Jasmine M.

    I am trying to send my homework but the sharepoint link is not working

  8. Hammad A.

    Share point is not working so I will bring my homework to school.

  9. Hammad A.

    i have shared my literacy homework but i couldn’t find the maths list.

  10. Aysha R.

    Where is the list of vocabulary for the maths homework?

  11. Zakariya K.

    Sharepoint doesnt work. Il bring it to school

  12. Zaeem S.

    It dont have a list of maths vocabulary where is it:(.

  13. Zainab A.

    I have done all my home work but the share point says you need to sigh in

  14. Aayan M.

    I have completed and uploaded my WOW work on last weeks blog

  15. Kaif B.

    I have uploaded my english work

    1. Kaif B.

      share point is not working

  16. Hasan S.

    I cannot log in to SharePoint so I will print off and bring in my homework

  17. Bilal H.

    Materials that are good insulators keep liquids hot for a longer time. Examples of good insulators are silicon, various polymers that form gels and foams, and glass.Which materials are best at keeping drinks warm? Keeping liquids hot is all about preventing heat from escaping. Heat flows through different materials at different speeds. Heat generally flows through things like metal very quickly and through things like wood and plastic very slowly.

  18. Kaila M.

    Where is the list of words to define for maths homework please. I have completed my English homework I will bring it to school on Monday.

  19. Hasan S.

    I am not able to locate the list given for maths homework?

  20. Aaminah A.

    There are no list of words to write the definitions for maths

  21. Aayan M.

    I have uploaded my English work on last weeks blog.

  22. Osato O.

    The sharepoint isn’t working.

  23. Aayan M.

    The share point is not working so I posted my maths work on last weeks blog.

  24. Aisha R.

    I will bring in my work

  25. Zainab A.

    The share point is not working miss

  26. Simin W.

    It says list given on the maths homework but the list was not given to us.

    1. Simin W.

      The share point isn’t working.

  27. Muhammad B.

    Miss the sharepoint isn’t working because I have to sign in and I am not allow to sign in.

  28. Samik S.

    There are no list of words to write the definitions for maths

  29. Saee N.

    sharepoint is not working it says choose an account

  30. Azaan H.

    The SharePoint is not working

    1. Mrs Khan

      Azaan, it is working. I have tested it. Please retry and if not bring in your homework book.

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