5 Blue M&T Week

This week, 5 Blue have participated in a project week that combines their knowledge of music and computing. We based our learning on Greece which has been our history topic this half term. The class began with a Geography style lesson where we located Greece and researched the climate. We converted mythical stories into play scripts and used all of our acquired vocabulary to create a rap song. Well done on a fantastic project week 5 Blue letโ€™s finish next week with a bang!

Our Myths and Legends Song

Designing Our Greek Music Albums

6 responses to “5 Blue M&T Week”

  1. Mopelola L.

    My favourite bit was making the album covers

  2. Muhammad Y.

    I enjoyed this week so much! I enjoyed creating the soundtracks because i got to experiment with different sound effects and instruments.As well as soundtracks,I enjoyed making the IMovie with the costumes we customly made.This week was one great week.Hopefully in the future we do something like this again.It was a great experience for me this week.The most challenging thing we did this week was creating lyrics.This is because we had to find appropiate sentences linked to Greece together and make them rhyme.

  3. Zahra N.

    I enjoyed this week! My favourite part was when h was doing the movie about music!! And also I loved doing the album cover posters because we can show how creative we are.

  4. Madeeha T.

    I really enjoyed last week! It was so fun . My favourite bit was making the music video on imovie and making the costumes

  5. Aiza B.

    I enjoyed this week my favourite part was making the music videos and making costumes for the iMovie to act out the story of Persephone.

  6. Dhiyashini S.

    I loved this week! The things I enjoyed was going to the Royal Albert Hall, making the album cover and making the poster.The thing I found challenging was making the rap.

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