Today, Year 5 visited the Broad Heath Careers fair. The children were given the opportunity to ask questions to many people with different careers.

Who did you enjoy speaking to?

What did you find interesting about their career?

What career would you like to do when you are older?

2 responses to “Year 5 Careers Fair”

  1. Mopelola L.

    I enjoyed speaking to the saleswoman as it was interesting learning about what she does.
    The bit I found most interesting about her job is that she gets to work with specific people and clients.
    I want to be a Lawyer when I grow up.

  2. Myiesha S.

    Who did you enjoy speaking to?
    I loved speaking to the lady that does sales and talking to Mr Kane’s parents.
    What did you find interesting about their career?
    That engineering looks exactly like ICT when you built jets and stuff like that.
    What career would you like to do when you are older?
    My job that I would like to be was not there although I want to be a lawyer.
    Career day was soo fun eating marshmallow and getting free pens yumm.😏😏
    But sad we did not get to go in the firefighters truck.😭😭😭😭

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