3 Blue became 4 Red for the day

Name 2 things that you learnt about Mr Diaus today…

Think back to 2 truths and a lie.

How many children does Mrs Browning have?

Do you remember their names?

What will your mantra be when you are in Year 4?

4 Red are…..

18 responses to “3 Blue became 4 Red for the day”

  1. Emaan S.

    Love you Mr diaus and Mrs browning ❤️ that’s for Mr diaus and this is for 🩷 Mrs browning

  2. Maryum N.

    We had a lovely time from maryum ibrahim

  3. Ahsan M.

    I can not wait to see my new teacher😀 my favourite part of the day was when we were playing in the oldweather pitch

  4. Kayla P.

    It was a fantastic day Mr Diane and Mrs Browning.😌😛😜😝

  5. Sara H.

    So excited

  6. Aesha M.

    One thing about mr Duies is he played in a football league and it was fun and it was also epic and amazing.🤩🤩🤩

  7. Ella K.

    I really enjoyed my new best teacher and he was very kind to me and helpful to people when they need help or when they say something he always is saying yes to people.

    1. Mr Diaus

      That’s great to hear that you enjoyed meeting me! Excited for next year!

  8. Bilal U.

    From Mustafa and BILAL🍌
    We are very excited about going to 4R!🤩

    1. Mr Diaus

      Great to hear boys!

  9. Xuhan C.

    I really liked but even I like mr dials and mrs browning to be our teachers I’m really excited but I’ll miss my old teachers!

    1. Mr Diaus

      We are excited to be teaching you next year Xuhan. Make sure you enjoy your last 2 weeks with your Year 3 teachers!

  10. Liliana S.

    I loved this day
    I loved everything in 4R

    1. Mr Diaus

      That’s amazing to hear Liliana and Natan. Next year will be wonderful.

  11. Waniya Z.

    I loved being 4 red it was so much fun. It was amazing I really really like being in 4 red they were so kind and nice, they showed a lot of kindness they are the best

    1. Mr Diaus

      Thank you Waniya! You were a pleasure to meet on Transition Day.

  12. Maryum N.

    I loved it and I enjoyed making those photos things and drawing inside the heads also I liked playing outside in football pitch for games in afteroon

    1. Mr Diaus

      I’m glad you had a great day in 4R Maryum! Next year will be even better.

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