Year 5 Rugby Competition – Earlsdon Rugby Club

On Friday 17th May a group of boys and girls from year 4 and 5 will be representing the school in TAG rugby at Earlsdon Rugby club. Last year both teams made it to the final with the girls winning the competition out right. It will be taking place in the morning, leaving school at 9:00am and returning to school for 12:00. Children will need to come to school in PE kit. The following children have been selected;

4 Blue – Tasneem, Gift, Esa 

4 Red – Jegor 

5 Blue – Mo, Eliza, Osas, Rustam, Aryan, Adam 

5 Red – Lawan 

5 White – Zoe, Arfa, Alima 

Any questions please ask Mr Rawlings

2 responses to “Year 5 Rugby Competition”

  1. Esa A.

    I am so excited to go because it is so close and last year
    some of the year 4 and 5 got medals 🏅 and trophies 🏆

  2. Manha S.

    Mr Rawlings, you cannot open this blog unless you go in the dashboard and then you open the one with no title. But it might disapear soon because other blogs might come up..

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