3Blue Super Spellers!

7 responses to “3Blue Super Spellers!”

  1. Emaan S.

    Well done to all of you for the amazing spelling test

  2. Aurora H.

    People who got 10 and 9 and 8s well done keep practising guys to be super speller

  3. Mrs Farooq

    Well done 3 Blue you continue to shine and do amazing in your spelling test!

  4. Hannah B.

    Im very amazed of how many super spellers there were than other days WELL DONE!!!!!!

  5. Hudaa M.

    well done everyone and keep it up if you did not get 10/10 or 9/10!!!

  6. Bilal U.

    Well done everyone!🤩

  7. Sara H.

    well done everyone you deserve it keep going and work hared

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