
3B Investigating Halves

Today in 3 Blue we have been looking at how a half and 2 quarters are equivalent. We used cubes, Education City and played ‘Fraction Relays’ using Active Maths.

What does equivalent mean?

What fraction is equivalent to a half?

Remember when answering the questions respond in full sentences, explain your answer using the correct mathematical vocabulary and prove it!

9 responses to “3B Investigating Halves”

  1. Harrison S.

    Equivalent means the same and 2 quarters is equivalent to a half.
    I agree with Whitney because she has shaded in 1 part out of 3 which is equal to a third.
    Both get the same amount of cookies because half and 2 quarters are equivalent.

  2. Zaynab M.

    I think so

  3. Mohammed K.

    Equivalent means the same.one half is the same as two quarters.

  4. Meena B.

    Equivalent mean when the number is the same and equal.
    For example a half of 12 is 6 and it’s the same number half 12 into two half’s it is 6.
    It’s 1 out of 2, 1 out of 3 and 1 out of 4.

  5. Alima S.

    1.Equivalent mean it is the same.
    2.2-2 half is the same because the other half is equal and the other half is
    Equal so it is the same.
    3.I do not agree because it is all suppose to be shade in. Whitney thinks so
    Because when she have finished shading she can half them in third shape.
    4. Mo have the most because Tom gives he 2-4.

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      Think carefully what 2/2 means Alima. That means your cake is cut into 2 pieces and you have 2 pieces. Is that equivalent to a half?

  6. Zaynab M.

    Equivalent means the same.
    1 out of 2
    1 out of 3
    1 out of 4

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      Is 1/3 the same as 1/2? Think back to your learning on Friday.

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