Hello Year Five! This half term you have all impressed us with your learning in our History and Art lessons! To help us learn more, we will be taking part in a themed 1960s day

Travelling back in time on Wednesday 4th October.

The day will consist of you dressing up in Sixties-themed clothing and carrying out a range of tasks to further develop our knowledge.

Below are outfit ideas, use these as inspiration to create your own outfits!

To help you with your outfits, we will be tie-dying white t-shirts this week. Every child MUST bring a clean white t-shirt to school as soon as possible.
(This does not have to be a new t-shirt, just a clean t-shirt which fits you)
You can wear your tie-dye t-shirt on 1960s day!

4 responses to “y5 1960s Day”

  1. Mohammed E.

    Facts about the 1960s
    In 1966 England won the World
    Most of the protest were about ether the Vietnam War or evil
    In Texas in a car US president
    John F. Kennedy was assassinated and caught on camera.

    1. Mrs Latham

      Some great knowledge. Would you want to live in the Sixties?

  2. Adam D.

    I am really exited for 1960s day

    1. Mrs Latham

      Great to hear. Hope you had a good time.

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