Maths โ€“ Log into TTRS and practise your xtables

English โ€“ Please note we politely request that every child completes their homework in the comments below as we will building on this in our English lesson next week. We need to be able to display their work on the board so that we can analyse it.

Write a description of Saint James Park

Wow To create your own map of the local area.

All homework due in on Wednesday please.

87 responses to “Year 3 Homework Summer 2 Week 2”

  1. Amina H.

    There is many white, dazzling fountains in the huge park and there is also everywhere lovely and colourful flower .

  2. Amina H.

    At Buckingham Palace there was a beautiful and huge park that has a large, blue and green lake with lovely and white swans and black and dark ducks. There are green, orange and waves trees and grass . The Palace is white, huge and dark yellow.

  3. Madeeha T.

    The sea is navy blue like the sky.
    This beautiful St James park was full of beautiful flowers and beautiful nature.
    There stood elegant, beautiful flowers out of St James park. The elegant flowers smelled like refreshing perfume.
    The sweet bird sang along whole the sea made the waves.
    The blooming, light, shiny, yellow sun kept on shining on the beautiful lake.
    The white , fluffy ducks were swimming in the navy blue sea

  4. Madeeha T.

    The sea is navy blue like the sky.
    This beautiful St James park was full of beautiful flowers and beautiful nature.
    There stood elegant, beautiful flowers out of St James park. The elegant flowers smelled like refreshing perfume.
    The sweet bird sang along whole the sea made the waves.
    The blooming, light, shiny, yellow sun kept on shining on the beautiful lake.
    The white , fluffy ducks were swimming in the navy blue sea.

  5. Vaneza S.

    St James Park is a happy and calm place to relax and enjoy spring.
    In the center, a lake lies there and it is home to lots of swans and plant life such as lilypads. St James Park is also situated next to the London royal palace known as Buckingham palace. The towering green trees tower over the landscape along side with the flourishing emerald green bushes and grass.

  6. Bilal H.

    St James park is a harmonious to sleep at and birds tweeting. St James Park is Queen Elizabeth garden the Queen is the owner of ducks there not harmful to her
    The St James park river is extensive sometimes it can be immaculate. St James Park trees are motionless

    1. Yunus H.

      Sorry mistakenly I comment from my brothers account.

  7. Myiesha S.

    The sea in saint james park is aqua blue just like a blue bublegum soap.
    The ducks in saint james park are black as a wheel.
    The grass is saint james park is green as a kiwi.
    The trees in saint james park is orange and green just like oranges and pees.
    The houses in saint james park is white just like a eggs shell.

  8. Mojirolaoluwa S.

    I can,t do my maths becouse fo my password

  9. Mojirolaoluwa S.

    and I fints me maths

  10. Muhammed G.

    St James Park is a tranquil ,magical place.There is a dozen of fountains gushing out water on the peaceful river and trees which have brittle bark lush leaveโ€™s, and long ,firm branches. Buckingham Palace stands as a monument of royalty as well as wealth and a showing of a abundance of
    resources.The dashing swans floated elegantly on the river with other graceful creatureโ€™s. The fragrance of perfumed flowers filled the air with a
    pleasurable smell of nectar .The rays of sunshine glistened of the lake like the Cullinan diamond that is the centre piece of the Crown Jewels.

  11. Mojirolaoluwa S.

    the tree that wos form the qeen teer the nexts the tree fo the levr are go for the amlis becouse fo the tree becoues fo the tree will sellm like noting becoues tree the sellm and the wat is 81 metr

  12. Osas O.

    I have played ttrs

  13. Amina J.

    Standing proudly next to Buckingham Palace is St James park. The flower bed was like a sea of flower. The flowers covered the grass like a blanket. Ducks and swans swim happily in the water. It had an amazing view. Nothing filled the air except for peace and quiet. The lake surrounded by greenery.
    I have done ttrs.

  14. Khadijah M.

    This beautiful, elegant park, has a deep, blue river. In the deep, reflective river, are many little ducks. Far in the distance, is a humongous, colossal building with many windows. There were dazzling, delicate flowers everywhere!
    I will play TTRS!!!

  15. Afsa P.


  16. Afsa P.

    I did maths and English

  17. Myiesha S.

    I will complete my homework on paper

    1. Myiesha S.

      I ment on blog

  18. Myiesha S.

    I will practise my times tables on ttrs๐Ÿ’ฏ

  19. Muhammad D.

    I have done TTRS
    Sโ€™t James park was a beautiful important Park to the Queen as it was her garden.It had a flower bed and the flowers smelt like perfume.No one could take them.People thought is was fascinating as they they took pictures of the blue,long,reflective river.Behind is Buckingham Palace where the Queen lives.

  20. Amirah T.

    I have scored 21 correct and 2 incorrect.

  21. Muhammad I.

    Next to Buckingham Palace there was St James Park in the middle of Buckingham Palace there was incredible , beautiful stuff there were long flowers , big trees and there was a giant , long lake and they had a path to walk on there had ducks swimming.

    Next to Bu

  22. Amelia A.


    It has a greenish, dirty lake. Itโ€™s shiny! The trees are green and they are very big. The castle is white like clouds. The sky is blue like a clean ocean. The people are very happy to get some fresh air, go to the castle or swim!

    I have done my time table rockstars.

  23. Afsa P.

    Next to Buckingham Palace there was st James Park the water was as dark as the night sky and the ducks weโ€™re
    Trees were swaying calmly and there were lily pads on top of the water .The tree was as rough as a rug and the flowers smelled like perfume.

  24. Irfa M.

    I have done TTRS.
    Next to Buckingham Palace their was St James park had a huge, large, enormous lake it had lots of lovely, beautiful, nice flowers the flowers smells so good in James park it have big fourteen.

  25. Muhammad Y.

    There was a park called Saint James park . This special park was full of beautiful nature. Everybody will be wondering why it is special . This park is special because it is the royal Queens garden. You would see vibrant flowers in the great garden blooming in nice,bright sunshine ๐ŸŒž. Whenever you go there you will hear blue birds singing and will hear the flowing noises of this long river that was blue like the sky. After you hear relaxing noises in the huge park you would get appetising ice-cream because it might be a heat wave when you are there

  26. Hamsia D.

    Paddington couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw St James Park. He could hear the sweet, little birds singing over his head. In the distance Paddington could see the Buckingham Palace. The beautiful, little petals were falling off and drifting to the ground. As the wind blew the petals away, he could see that in the pond sat sleeping ducks. Beside the pond Paddington could see humans.

  27. Alima S.

    I have complete my homework.

  28. Alima S.

    It feels like a flower next to a group of family In a pond Paddington was amazed at what he saw. In his cosy fur he can feel a rose by him.
    He can all so smell the yummy bread from the foods he was.
    He can taste a cold melty Ice cream in his mouth.
    He can feel the water floating in the pond.
    Paddington can touch the ducks.

  29. Erawyo P.

    I think the park is nice and beautiful ๐Ÿ˜ of the looks and there are people taking photos ๐Ÿ“ธ of the river in the park to and there are Ducks in the river and the people are feeding the Ducks bread from they’re house

    I’ve done my Maths homework and thank you for giving this homework for me…

  30. Zahra N.

    Next to Buckingham Palace stood St James Park the park had elegant, magnetic petals and had a Beautiful view the Buckingham Palace was Collosal and it was a glamours Palace St James Park smelt like Perfume and flowers and the Lake had lilly pads on it and the Lake was green and it was a big Lake.

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