3 Red’s Poem Performances

10 responses to “3 Red’s Poem Performances”

  1. Evie T.

    Well done all of you guys but I think the best is yellow table

  2. Murtaza A.

    My favourite was red table because it’s so so so so so funny

  3. Elgin A.

    I liked orange table because they were funny

  4. Khadija B.

    My favorite performance is yellow table because i love sat on the floor . And blue table beacuse adiva and roshaan I don’t know roshaan mm

  5. Roshaan K.

    My favourite one was the blue and red because first I wasn’t really meant to shuv my shoulders but it was funny and I like the red because I liked the fire egstinuiar part

  6. Liyana M.

    My favourite performance is the Red tables because they were so enthusiastic and silly and they made everyone laugh there like comedians.

  7. Latifa A.

    My favourite is orange because I was very funny dancing while eating cotton candy

  8. Neron O.

    my favorite act was red table because Emran got me giggling and there alien voices got me that’s why i like there’s

  9. Abdul A.

    my favourate performance is the red tables because it was funny and sily

  10. Saanvika M.

    My favourate performance is the red tables because it is funny

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