3 Blue Stem Investigation : Conclusion

Today we looked at our white roses from last week. We wanted to know the function of the stem.

What happened to the flowers?

What is the function of the stem?

What happened to the petals of the flowers? What does this tell us about how water is transported in the flower?

2 responses to “3 Blue Stem Investigation : Conclusion”

  1. Aaron G.

    The Flowers turned red,orange and green.
    The function of the stem was that it obzorbed the coloured
    Water and the Flowers become multicoloured.
    The petals on the red flower had little veins like us where the water

  2. Khadeeja M.

    What happened to the flowers?
    The thing that happened was the flowers turned into the same colour in the cup.
    What is the function of the stem?The function of the stem was they absorbed the colours in the cup.
    What happened to the petals of the flowers?
    They change the colour of the liquid.
    What does this tell us about how water is transported in the flower?
    The stem absorbs the water and growers big.

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