2W to 3R transition Day!

It has been a delight meeting the new 3 Red today! All the children impressed myself and Miss Jephcott with their enthusiasm, good manners and creativity. Today we learnt about our class mantra ‘To go beyond the bare necessities!’ The children agreed to always try their best in Year 3 and they proved that by producing some brilliant work today! Have a look at the gallery to see the wonderful things we got up to today!

Comment below what you are looking forward to most about Year 3!

3 responses to “2W to 3R transition Day!”

  1. Noah M.

    Actually I’m not excited for the holidays I am excited for 3 red.

  2. Haseeb B.

    I can not wait to go in year 3 because I wil Learn new things and mr Carter will be next door to us.

  3. Neron O.

    I am so excited to be in 3red because I have more play time and Mr. Carter is next door and I have a new teacher.

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