2B’s Tiger Documentary!

2Blue are officially TIGER experts! They were in awe of David Attenborough’s style of documenting, so they decided to record their own. Let us know what you think.
What do tigers look like?
What do tigers eat?
Where do tigers live?

4 responses to “2B’s Tiger Documentary!”

  1. Sara H.

    tigers have soft orange fur and black stripes.
    tigers eat pigs, cows and deer.
    tigers live in india china and some places in asia.

  2. Zakir F.

    1 tigers Have black stripes with orange fur or brown fur with white stripes
    2 Tigers eat pigs deer rhinos horses and other smaller animals
    3Tigers live in Asia siberia China and Bhutan.

  3. Yusuf A.

    Tigers have fluffy, soft fur and black and white stripes.
    Tigers eat rhinos and deers🦏.Tigers live in the zoo and live in the jungle 🌭🌴🍀🌳🌿.

  4. Bilal U.

    Tigers have black stripes
    Tigers eat meat
    Tigers live in asia

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