2Blue’s ART and STAR Spellers!

This half term, the children have explored aboriginal art, which originates from Australia! Today, they completed their lovely art work using the dotting technique to enhance their artwork. Such a talented bunch!

Congratulations to these STAR Spellers who achieved 10, 9 or 8 this week!

4 responses to “2Blue’s ART and STAR Spellers!”

  1. Md Ahnaf L.

    Welldone 10 9 8

  2. Md Ahnaf L.

    Why everyone is Namazing at1

  3. Zayaan M.

    well done 10 9 and 8🐀😥😁😁😁😁

  4. Ziad H.

    Well done everyone ❤️🌤️🥅📚🌤️🌤️

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