2Blue – VE Day!

This week the children have been learning about the Coventry Blitz and learned what happened after. They learned about VE Day (Victory in Europe Day). The children answered questions and even designed a VE Day cup to celebrate.

CHALLENGE: What was the name of the Prime Minister of England during World War 2?
Why do we celebrate VE Day?

4 responses to “2Blue – VE Day!”

  1. Rayyan R.

    Winston Churchill.
    Because it was victory in Europe that’s why we celebrate VE day.

    1. Minsa M.

      Winston Churchill was the Prime Minister’s name.

  2. Ziad H.

    I enjoyed this day a lot and I liked learning about the VE Day

  3. Amelia B.

    The name of the prime minister of England in World War 2 was Winston Churchill.
    We celebrate VE Day because it was a celebration when World War 2 ended.

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