2Blue STAR Spellers!

Congratulations to these STAR Spellers!

We were SO happy to have our Mueez back too!

6 responses to “2Blue STAR Spellers!”

  1. Kai D.

    Congratulations to all the stars spellers 👍

  2. Rayyan R.

    Okay thankyou we will practise the timetables😊

  3. Rayyan R.

    Well done! Do they have homework for this week?

    1. Mr Mahmood

      Hi, there is no homework this week. Homework is only set for 5 weeks. Please practise counting in 2, 5 and 10 😁

  4. Hosanna N.

    Well done super stars. Keep it up!

  5. Shreya S.

    I’m so proud of you guys, I hope the whole class gets 10\10

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