
2Blue Observe Changes Over Time!

Science is always exciting in 2Blue!
To continue answering our big question of our current unit, How Can I Keep Myself Healthy?, the children used their observational skills to describe what happened to the bread over a week!
What did we find out?
Which bread grew the most germs? Which bread grew the least amount of germs?
What can you see?

9 responses to “2Blue Observe Changes Over Time!”

  1. Rayyan R.

    The floor one had the most germs and the one when you washed your hands had less germs.

    1. Mr Mahmood

      Super observations, Rayyan!

  2. Iyla H.

    The germs spread all over your hands

  3. Zayaan M.

    I loved it

  4. Albert Q.

    The control grew the least Amount of germs.

    1. Mr Mahmood

      Great job, Albert! Super observations!

  5. Albert Q.

    The floor has the most germs.

  6. Zayan J.

    Challenge: My one .

    1. Mr Mahmood

      It was indeed, Zayan! Well done for being the first to comment on this blog post. 🌟

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