Welcome back September 2024

Dear parents / carers, Welcome back to the new school year at Broad Heath, and a huge welcome to those new families joining us for the first time. We hope that you have all had a good summer with your children. Over the past two teacher days (and during the holidays), all staff have been […]

Year 5 Autumn 1 Maths Challenge

This half term, we are learning about Space. Practise your maths skills with these space themed problems. Bronze Silver Gold Platinum Then write and solve your own Space maths problems

Year 5 Autumn 1 Reading Challenge

Hi, Year 5! Are you ready to take on our first reading challenge of the year? Select the challenges you want to attempt below: Bronze: Silver: Gold: You will need to carry out some research into the moon landing and then write a recount.  Write a catchy title and an introductory paragraph (using the five […]

Year 4 Reading Challenge Autumn 1

Hi year 4, For your reading challenge this half term, read through the following non-fiction text about rainforests. Answer the following questions in full sentences. Bronze: Silver: Gold: Read the last line carefully. What is you opinion, and why? Platinum: Produce your own information text on the Brazilian rainforest, using your own research.

Year 4 Autumn 1 Maths Challenge

This half term year 4 we are looking at place value, including roman numerals. Your challenge this half term will focus on these skills. Bronze What numbers are represented below? Silver Gold Round the following numbers to the nearest 10 and 100. Platinum The following statistics have been written in Roman Numerals. Please fix them […]

No Clubs next week