Year 4 Maths Challenge Summer 1

This half term’s Maths Challenges are linked to our learning about decimals. Bronze Match the equivalent hundred square, words, fraction and decimal representations from the grid. Silver Complete the statements with > or <. Use the place value grids to help you. Gold Use the clues to match each child to their number. Explain your […]

Year 4 Reading Challenge Summer 1

This half term in English we are looking at stories from other cultures. Below is an extract from The Jungle Book, written by Rudyard Kipling. It was seven o’clock of a very warm evening in the Seeonee hills when Father Wolf woke up from his day’s rest, scratched himself, yawned, and spread out his paws […]

Year 5 Maths Challenge Summer 1

Here is your Maths challenge for this term! Bronze Silver Gold Platinum Now make your own puzzle for someone else to solve.

Year 5 Reading Challenge Summer 1

Here is your reading challenge for this term! Each challenge has a comprehension question and a more open-ended task. shakespeare-text Bronze Summarise what you now know about Shakespeare. Silver Create an advert to persuade people to watch one of Shakespeare’s plays. Gold Why did Shakespeare visit his home in Stratford so infrequently? Using the information, […]

Y1 Reading Challenge – Summer 1

Hi Year 1! Choose a challenge to complete. You can write your answers on the blog or in your homework book.The best response will win a special prize in the challenge assembly! Good luck! BRONZE SILVER Choose a character to describe. Remember to use interesting adjectives, capital letters, full stops and finger spaces. Can you […]

Y1 Maths Challenge – Summer 1

Hi Year 1, Please choose a challenge to complete. You can write your answers on this blog or in your homework book. Winners will be announced at the end of the half term. Good luck! BRONZE SILVER GOLD

Year 2 Reading Challenge – SUMMER 1

Hi Year 2. In Summer 1, you will be introduced to the story, Fantastic Mr Fox. This extended story is written by an Author called Roald Dahl. Read about him, choose a challenge and answer the questions. BronzeWhen was Roald Dahl born?Where was he born?Name a book that he wrote.How old was Roald Dahl when […]

Year 2 Maths Challenge – SUMMER 1

Hi Year 2! This half term’s challenges are about multiplication and division. Write your answers on the blog. Good luck! BRONZE SILVER GOLD Greater Depth Challenge

Year 3 Reading Challenge Summer 1 – 2024

Bronze: Which animal head is on the jar that protects the stomach? Which animal head is on the jar that protects the liver? Which animal head is on the jar that protects the lungs? Which animal head is on the jar that protects the intestines? Silver: Explain why the Egyptians kept their organs in canopic […]