Year 4 Maths Challenge Spring 2

Hi year 4, This half term’s maths challenge is based around fractions. BRONZE Solve the following: 4/11 + 5/11=5/6 + 1/6 = 3/8 + 3/8 =7/10 – 3/10=8/12 -3/12=3/4-1/4 = SILVER Use the fraction wall to help you solve the equivalent fraction questions. GOLD PLATINUM

Year 4 Reading Challenge- Spring 2

Did marrying Anne, solve any of Henry’s problems? Anne Boleyn is an interesting character. People always felt strongly about her, they either loved her or they despised her with a passion! Here is quick look at her early years- how do you think she compared to Catherine of Aragon? • Anne was one of three […]

Year 5 Maths Challenge Spring 2

Hello Year 5, This half term’s  Maths Challenge links to our Rivers topic. Bronze The River Nile is 4132 miles long – round to the nearest 1000, 100 or 10. Where are the coldest waters in the world? Find the location of the coldest waters around the world and identify the average temperature. Put the […]

Year 5 Reading Challenge Spring 2

Hi Year 5, Your challenge is to read through this article (click on the link): The article is on whether dams destroy rivers – you need to read it through all the way to the end (you may need to look up any words you are unfamiliar with). This is a challenging piece, but it […]

Y1 Maths Challenge Spring 2

Hi Year 1! Your Maths Challenges this half term are based on measuring length. Choose a challenge and write your answers on the blog. The best response will be chosen for a prize in our Challenge assembly at the end of term! Good luck! BRONZE SILVER GOLD

Y1 Reading Challenge Spring 2

Read the story below and choose a challenge to complete. You can write your answers on this blog or write them in your homework book. Remember the best entry will win the prize! Good luck Year 1! BRONZE SILVER Find these words in the story:*munching*pecking*trotted*dwelling*currants What do they mean? GOLD Use the pictures below to […]

Y3 Spring 2 Reading Challenge

Challenge 1: Read the extract from the story ‘How to be More Hedgehog’ and then answer the questions. I drop the phone and fling myself onto the couch. The video is out there in the world, spreading from person to person like a virus, and there’s nothing I can do to get rid of it. […]

Year 3 Spring 2 Maths Challenge

Challenge 1: Recap on last term’s learning Challenge 2: Apply this term’s learning Using the fraction wall to help you, order the fractions from smallest to largest. 7a.

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