STEAM Week in 1W
Steam Week in 2 Red 💧
Year 4 We Need Your Junk
Year 4 PE and Swimming Information
Please bring junk material
Broad Heath Staff Citizen of the Week Autumn
Children in Need
PE/SWIMMING information
Y6 PE Days
Y2 – We need your junk!
Reminder Tea & Talk Morning – Wednesday 8th Nov
Y1 Trip to the temple
Planting Seeds🌸🌼🌻
Over in the Meadow
November Newsletter 2023
Year 5 Junk appeal
Year 4 Maths Challenge Autumn 2
Hi Year 4, This half term in topic we have been learning about the Anglo-Saxons. I was wondering if you could complete some Anglo-Saxon based maths problems? Bronze Put each kings reign in chronological order. You will need your knowledge of place value to work this out. Who came first and how do you know? […]
Year 4 Reading Challenge Autumn 2
Hi year 4, For your reading challenge this half term, read through the following non-fiction text about Sutton Hoo and then answer the questions below. Sutton Hoo By about 600, England was divided into small Anglo-Saxon kingdoms each ruled by a king. Much of what we know about the Anglo-Saxons comes from graves like the […]
Year 5 Autumn 2 Maths Challenge
Welcome back, Year 5! Have a good at your Maths challenge for this term. Bronze Challenge: Oh no! Earth is being invaded! Some tripods and bipods flew from planet Zeno. At least two of each of them have landed on Earth. Tripods have 3 legs. Bipods have 2 legs. There are 23 legs altogether. How […]
Year 5 Autumn 2 Reading Challenge
Welcome back, Year 5! Have a go at your Reading challenge for this term. Bronze Challenge: How many festivals are mentioned in the introduction? Which adjective is used to describe the tomatoes at the Tomatina? Silver Challenge: . Use a dictionary to find the meaning of the adjective in question 2. Find two differences between […]
Notation Reading + Aural Dictation Recognition
Y1 Reading Challenge
Hi children, Our reading challenge story this half term is: Firstly, practise reading the sounds and blend them into words which we will find in the story. Now read the story to your grown up… Now pick a challenge to complete. Write your answers on the blog or in your homework book’ BRONZE What does […]
Y1 Maths Challenge Autumn 2
Hi children, Choose a challenge and write your answers on the blog or in your homework book. Remember, the challenge winner will be announced at the end of term. Good luck! BRONZE SILVER GOLD
Year 3 Maths Challenge Autumn 2 2023
This term, we will be learning about addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Below are a range of puzzles to apply their previous learning and skills. If you would usually complete silver challenges in class, then the expectation is to complete the Bronze and Silver challenge here. If you usually complete Gold, then you should do […]
Year 3 Reading Challenge Autumn 2 2023
This term, we will be learning about instructional and information texts. Below are a ronge of different texts, as it is important to read a breadth of text. If you would usually complete silver challenges in class, then the expectation is to complete the Bronze and Silver challenge here. If you usually complete Gold, then […]