Year 2 Reading Challenge Summer 2 2023
If you can, read the text by yourself or you can have someone read it to you. BRONZEWhat are minibeasts?Give 2 facts about one of the minibeasts. SILVERPlease answer these questions in full sentences:How do grasshopper make noise? How are bees useful to humans?Why do snails often try to hide? GOLDUse a dictionary to find […]
Year 2 Maths Challenge Summer 2 2023
Entrepreneur Week in RW
Entrepreneur Week day 1 maths
Year 3 Summer 2 Spellings.
Entrepreneur Week 2023
Year 5/6 Cooking Club Form
Making origami frogs in 3White 🐸
Year 6 Maths Challenge Summer 2
Year 6 Reading Challenge Summer 2
Year 5 Summer 2 Reading Challenge
Year 5 Summer 2 Maths Challenge
Year 4 Maths Challenge- Summer 2
Bronze- What time does each clock show? Write the time in 12 hour digital. For Example clock one shows 09:40. Silver : Convert the above 12-hour digital time to 24-hour digital times. For example- 09:40 in 24-hour digital is 21:40. Gold: Look at the dentist’s appointment below and answer the questions. Platinum: Answer the reasoning […]
Year 4 Reading Challenge- Summer 2
Willie froze with the branch still held high in his hand. Sweat broke out from under his armpits and across his forehead. Now he was for it. He was bound to get a beating now. Tom came towards him, took the branch firmly from his hand and lifted it up. Willie automatically flung his arm […]
Y1 Maths Challenge Summer 2
Hi Year 1,Pick a money challenge to solve. Write your answers on this blog or in your homework book.The best response will win a prize in Week 6.Good luck! BRONZE SILVER GOLD
Y1 Reading Challenge Summer 2
Hi Year 1. This half term, in Science, we are learning about plants. Please read the information below. Make sure you slide across! Bronze Pick 5 words and tell me which digraphs you can see. Digraphs are two letters which make one sound like ng, th, or, ow, er.For example.In the word flower, I can […]