Year 3 Reading Challenge Summer 1

Bronze: Which animal head is on the jar that protects the stomach? Which animal head is on the jar that protects the liver? Which animal head is on the jar that protects the lungs? Which animal head is on the jar that protects the intestines? Silver: Explain why the Egyptians kept their organs in canopic […]

Year 2 Reading Challenge – Summer 1 2023

Hi Year 2. In Summer 1 we are going to share the story, Fantastic Mr Fox, written by Roald Dahl. Read about him below.  BronzeWhen was Roald Dahl born?Where was he born?Name a book that he wrote.How old was Roald Dahl when his father died?How many books did Roald Dahl write? SilverExplain why  Roald Dahl […]

Year 4 Maths Challenge- Summer 1

Tudor Maths Challenge! This half term we are learning about the Tudors in History. See if you can answer the Tudor Maths problems below! Bronze Silver Gold Platinum

Year 4 Reading Challenge- Summer 1

Anne Boleyn Did marrying Anne, solve any of Henry’s problems? Anne Boleyn is an interesting character. People always felt strongly about her, they either loved her or they despised her with a passion! Here is quick look at her early years- how do you think she compared to Catherine of Aragon? • Anne was one […]

Y1 Reading Challenge Summer 1

Hi Year 1! Choose a challenge to complete. You can write your answers on the blog or in your homework book.The best response will win a special prize in the challenge assembly! Good luck! BRONZE SILVER Choose a character to describe. Remember to use interesting adjectives, capital letters, full stops and finger spaces. Can you […]

Y1 Maths Challenge Summer 1

Hi Year 1, Please choose a challenge to complete. You can write your answers on this blog or in your homework book. Winners will be announced at the end of the half term. Good luck! BRONZE SILVER GOLD