Year 5 Spring 2 Maths Challenge

Hello Year 5, This half term’s  Maths Challenge links to our Rivers topic. Bronze The River Nile is 4132 miles long – round to the nearest 1000, 100 or 10. Where are the coldest waters in the world? Find the location of the coldest waters around the world and identify the average temperature. Put the […]

Year 6 Reading Challenge Spring 2

This half term we will be learning about the power of ‘LIGHT’, we thought why not link our reading and summarising skills to create a shadow puppet show! Your task is to read one of the following stories during the half term.*Read your novel*Summarise 6 key scenes from your favourite chapter.*Create your shadow puppets and […]

Year 6 Maths Challenge Spring 2

Hi Year 6! Below is your Maths challenge for Spring 2! Give them ago and remember your values of resilience and knowledge! Bronze Challenge: Your challenge is to create a net using the information below. The room is three metres wide and four metres long. The ceiling is three metres high. There is a door, […]

Year 2 Reading Challenge Spring 2 2023

This story is called ‘Katie Morag delivers the mail’ and it was written by Mairi Hedderwick. You can listen to the story by watching the video OR read it all by yourself. You could even do both! Then try one or more of the challenges… Wednesdays were always hectic on the Isle of Struay, for […]

Year 5 Spring 2 Reading Challenge

Hi Year 5, Your challenge is to read through this article (click on the link): The article is on whether dams destroy rivers – you need to read it through all the way to the end (you may need to look up any words you are unfamiliar with). This is a challenging piece, but it […]

Y1 Reading Challenge Spring 2

Read the story below and choose a challenge to complete. You can write your answers on this blog or write them in your homework book. Remember the best entry will win the prize! Good luck Year 1! BRONZE SILVER Find these words in the story:*munching*pecking*trotted*dwelling*currants What do they mean? GOLD Use the pictures below to […]

Y1 Maths Challenge Spring 2

Hi Year 1! Your Maths Challenges this half term are based on measuring length. Choose a challenge and write your answers on the blog. The best response will be chosen for a prize in our Challenge assembly at the end of term! Good luck! BRONZE SILVER GOLD

Year 4 Maths Challenge Spring 2

Hi year 4, This half term’s mats challenge is based around fractions. BRONZE Solve the following: 4/11 + 5/11=5/6 + 1/6 = 3/8 + 3/8 =7/10 – 3/10=8/12 -3/12=3/4-1/4 = SILVER Use the fraction wall to help you solve the equivalent fraction questions. GOLD PLATINUM

Year 4 Reading Challenge Spring 2

Hi year 4, For your reading challenge this half term, read through the following non-fiction text about rainforests. Answer the following questions in full sentences. Bronze: Silver: Gold: Read the last line carefully. What is you opinion, and why? Platinum: Produce your own information text on the Brazilian rainforest, using your own research.

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