Reception Blue: celebrations😊👏
1 White Homework Summer 2!
Summer Fair 18.06.22
5 Blue – Tudor Family Tree
History Week in 6B!
Year 5 Macbeth Assembly
History Week- Lady Jane Grey-5 White
Year 6 Tackling Health Club: Thursdays
Six Red History Week Gallery
Reception Maths Challenge – Summer 2
Reception Reading Challenge – Summer 2.
Year 4/5 Rugby Tournament – 10th June – Update
Lets read about The Great Wave…
Year 3 Guess Who?
Year 6 Reading Challenge – Summer 2
Hello Year 6! Many of you might know that your Geography unit this term is Japan. Your challenge will be to complete the reading comprehension below. * = bronze, ** = silver, *** = Gold Challenge : Could you create persuasive letter? Why should we visit Japan?