Year 4 Reading Challenge- Autumn 1

Extract from Harry Potter October arrived, spreading a damp chill over the grounds and into the castle. Madam Pomfrey, the nurse, was kept busy by a sudden spate of colds among the staff and students. Her Pepperup potion worked instantly, though it left the drinker smoking at the ears for several hours afterward. Ginny Weasley, […]

Year 4 Maths Challenge- Autumn 1

Hello Year 4! For your first Maths Challenge this year, you have some problems linked to a well-known fantasy story, which therefore links with our English unit this term! We cannot wait to see your wonderful working out and superb solutions to these challenges! Good luck! (P.S. Are you proud of my alliteration?) BRONZE CHALLENGE […]

Y1 Reading Challenge Autumn 1

Hi Year 1, Firstly, practise reading the sounds below and then read the words. Now use your knowledge to read the ditty below… You can complete your challenge on the blog or on paper. Please upload your work to the Sharepoint below.1R UPLOAD HERE 1W UPLOAD HERE 1B UPLOAD HERE BRONZE How many words can […]

Year 1 Maths Challenge Autumn 1

Hi Year 1, You can complete your challenge on the blog or on paper. Please upload your work to the Sharepoint below.1R UPLOAD HERE 1W UPLOAD HERE 1B UPLOAD HERE BRONZE SILVER(Instead of cubes you could use sweets, pasta, lego… any objects!) GOLD

Year 5 Reading challenge

Reading Challenge – To use inference skills to write a recount on the Moon Landing During Autumn 1, we have been learning about recounts and making them as effective as we can. You will need to carry out some research into the moon landing and then write a recount, choosing a challenge from the list below. […]

Year 5 Maths Challenge

Hi Year 5! Are you ready to take the challenge!? This half term we are learning about the 1960’s so I have set you a challenge about this time period and you will need to use your place value knowledge to solve it. Bronze Investigate British singers in the 1960’s: Paul McCartney, Cilla Black, John […]