Year 2 Maths Challenge Autumn 1 2021

This half term’s challenges are based on number and place value. Choose a challenge and write your answer on the blog. Remember to write which challenge you are completing e.g. Bronze. The best answers could win a prize in the challenge assembly at the end of half term! Good luck! Bronze Silver Gold Platinum

Year 2 Reading Challenge Autumn 1 2021

This half term we are learning about the Seaside. Read the texts below and complete at least one of the challenges. If your answers impress your teachers, you might win a prize in the challenge assembly at the end of half term! Bronze When did seaside holidays first start? Where was the first British seaside […]

Year 6 Maths Challenge (Autumn 1)

Hi Year 6, It’s time again to challenge your brains with Autumn 1’s Maths Challenge! Winners and prizes will be decided at the end of the half term. Good luck! Bronze Challenge: Silver Challenge: Gold Challenge:

Y6 Reading challenge (Autumn 1)

This half term you will experience the life of an adventurer when trekking mountains in the Peak District as part of your Geography learning. Therefore this challenge will be right up your valley – see what I did there? ;) Below are several links all about a man, a man who broke world records at […]