Hi 1White,

Throughout the week, it would be brilliant if you could watch some of the Phonics videos at home! This will ensure that you don’t forget any of your sounds and help you to make super progress, ready for the Screening Check!

The videos are only around 7 minutes long and it would make such a difference if you could join in with one lesson each day!

Harun & Emma

ay ee igh ow oo oo

ar or air ir ou oy

Abdullah, Junnut, Safiyah, Sama, Zoha, Mahid, Mariam, Meva, Mohammed, Yona, Aila, Aisha, Junior, Azmat, Esha, Hasan, Humaira, Mithunshan, Sharon, Safwaan, Yaseen
Reading longer words

ay/ai/a_e igh/i_e ow/o_e/oa oo/u_e/ew air/are or/aw ee/ea ur/er/ir

Jason, Khadija, Aadam K, Adam A, Inaaya H, Muhammed-Haaris, Umar

a_e i_e o_e u_e ew aw oa ai

Please comment on the blog to tell Miss Smith which ones you have watched.

7 responses to “1W Phonics HALF TERM HOMEWORK”

  1. Mahid H.

    I did three of them 🤩🤩🤩

  2. Harun A.

    Harun has practice his phonics

    1. Mrs Penavega

      Great work Harun! Keep it up

  3. Hasan B.

    Hasan has practice his phonics.

    1. Mrs J Patel

      Thank you Hasan. Keep practising please.

  4. Sharon A.

    I have done all of them except ie oa or

    1. Mrs J Patel

      Thank you Sharon. make sure you practise all of them ready for your screening check.

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