1W Homework Autumn 2

Hello Year 1. Here is your homework for this half term. Please make sure you complete 2 activities.

Education City link: https://go.educationcity.com

Week 4 WOW Homework. Please watch this video to remind yourselves on the story of Rama and Sita. Use the picture prompts to help you write the story in order.

Do you want to be a superstar speller? If you do, practise your spellings in your homework book everyday.
Practise the spellings according to your colour group.

Green and Blue Group Spellings

Yellow and Orange Group Spellings

Red Group Spellings

As always, please use the sharepoint link to upload your brilliant WOW homework.


79 responses to “1W Homework Autumn 2”

  1. Amelia R.

    Amelia has completed both of her home works on education city

  2. Dominik B.

    Dominik has completed both challenges on education City

  3. Warizah I.

    Warizah completed her homework on education city and week 4 spelling test.. Picture uploaded

  4. Amelia R.

    Both of amelia work is donw on education city

  5. Shayan S.

    Shayan got 100 percent on education city homework.
    WOW Homework:There was a agreat worrior called Rama.He got married with the princess Sita.There was a Demon called Ravana who also love Sita.He was a evil and change himself into a begger and kidnap her.Rama met hanuman and ask to help him so they can find the princess Sita.They both had a bettle with Ravana with the help of monkey Army for 10 days.Rama killed the Ravana with his magical arrow and killed him.
    Then Rama and Sita was united.
    Hindus celebrate Diwali every year in autumn to remember this day.

  6. Haris S.

    Haris finished his work thank you .

  7. Sulaiman A.

    Sulaiman completed his week 4 homework.

  8. Sanya S.

    Sanya had 100 % and 98% on math and English

  9. Freya S.

    Rama and sita story .

    It is about a man called Rama rescuing a lady called Sita from a demon King Ravana with the help of Hanuman and his monkey army.
    Hindus believe this story.

  10. Mustafa A.

    I have completed my week 4 homework

  11. Aqsa S.

    Aqsa has done her homework 4 pictures upload.

  12. Jasmine P.

    Jasmine done her homework I sent it

  13. Huzaifah J.

    I have completed my homework

  14. Shaheer N.

    I have finished my both work on education city
    Uploading my work

  15. Tala I.

    Tala has done work 4

  16. Mustafa A.

    I’ve completed my week 3 homework

  17. Sulaiman A.

    Sulaiman completed his week 3 homework.

  18. Adam O.

    Adam has completed his homework tasks and we have uploaded pictures to sharepoint.

  19. Dominik B.

    Dominik has completed his homework

  20. Tala I.

    Tala completed her work on education , Read challenge and she drawer the season trees and I have upload it .

  21. Haris S.

    Completed education City and reading challenge thank you.

  22. Sanya S.

    Sanya got 88% on her education city

  23. Jasmine P.

    I jasmine done her reading challenge and wow challenge

  24. Jasmine P.

    Jasmine done her education city maths

  25. Amelia R.

    Amelia practised some spellings today to i sent in picture

  26. Amelia R.

    Amelia done her homework on education city.. And shes done the season tree i will send a picture but she will bring in to school tomorrow also.

  27. Huzaifah J.

    Huzaifah has completed his homework

  28. Warizah I.

    Warizah completed her homework on education city… And she drew a picture of fireworks.. Picture uploaded

  29. Amina I.

    Hello Amina has completed education city and her firework picture I have uploaded on share point

  30. Tala I.

    Tala has done her work on education city and Math challenge .

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