1W Homework Autumn 2

Hello Year 1. Here is your homework for this half term. Please make sure you complete 2 activities.

Education City link: https://go.educationcity.com

Week 4 WOW Homework. Please watch this video to remind yourselves on the story of Rama and Sita. Use the picture prompts to help you write the story in order.

Do you want to be a superstar speller? If you do, practise your spellings in your homework book everyday.
Practise the spellings according to your colour group.

Green and Blue Group Spellings

Yellow and Orange Group Spellings

Red Group Spellings

As always, please use the sharepoint link to upload your brilliant WOW homework.


79 responses to “1W Homework Autumn 2”

  1. Orevaoghene O.

    Oreva has done her education city, she scored 88% in English

  2. Orevaoghene O.

    Oreva has completed her education city home work, she got 100%

  3. Bilaal K.

    Bilaal has done his education city

    1. Bilaal K.

      100% on both

  4. Adam O.

    Adam has completed the tasks on Education City. He scored 100% on both.

  5. Huzaifah J.

    Huzaifah has completed his work

  6. Sulaiman A.

    Sulaiman completed his homework.

  7. Jasmine P.

    I sent jasmine fireworks drawing

  8. Amelia R.

    Amelia has done all her homework

  9. Freya S.

    All done

  10. Dominik B.

    Dominik has completed his homework on education City.

  11. Warizah I.

    Warizah completed her homework on education city

    1. Warizah I.

      Warizah practiced her spelling picture sent

  12. Tala I.

    Tala has done her homework .

    1. Amina I.

      Amina has completed both home works on education city.

  13. Sulaiman A.

    Sulaiman completed his homework. I have uploaded his work.

  14. Elim F.

    Elim completed her homework at the Educationcity.

  15. Aiyla S.

    Aiyla has completed Maths and English on education city and got 100% on both

    i have uploaded Aiylas bday photo

  16. Amelia R.

    Amelia has done her work on education city

  17. Nabira M.

    I have done my work.

  18. Haris S.

    Harris finished his homework.

  19. Mustafa A.

    I’ve done my homework on education City
    Maths and English

  20. Shayan S.

    Hi teacher i done my homework on education city.

  21. Aqsa S.

    I’ll upload Aqsa birthday pictures

  22. Aqsa S.

    Aqsa complete her both home

  23. Jasmine P.

    I sent jasmine milk wow challenge and all homework

    1. Mrs J Patel

      Jasmine Mrs.Patel could not upload your second video. Can you please upload again. The one with you wearing red dress. Thanks

  24. Zakariyah A.

    Zakariyah has done his homework.

    1. Amelia R.


  25. Hamasah Y.

    Hamasah has complete her home work

  26. Sanya S.

    Sanya done eduation City English 94% and maths 90%

  27. Shaheer N.

    Shaheer have done both maths and English work uploaded

  28. Huzaifah J.

    Huzaifah has completed all of his work and has done the challenges

  29. Iqra F.

    In Education City, Iqra got 100%
    In Education City,Iqra got 88%

  30. Jasmine P.

    Jasmine done maths and English activities on education city I will send her rest of homework soonly

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