Welcome to 2Blue, 1Red!

Hi 1Red. I am very excited to be your new teacher and I cannot wait to create great memories with you all. Watch this video to become a little familiar with your new class and teachers.
In the comments below, answer these questions so I can learn some things about you:
* What is your favourite sport?
* What is your favourite colour?
* What do you love most about Broad Heath?
* What would you like to do in Year 2?

I cannot wait to read your responses! See you all on Monday for Transition Day.

23 responses to “Welcome to 2Blue, 1Red!”

  1. Oliwia B.

    Oliwia’s favourite sport is badminton . She likes to play with her brother.
    My favourite colour is pink.
    I love playing on the play ground.
    I would like to do more phonics and have fun.

  2. Inarah T.

    My favourite sport is balet.
    My favourite colour is pink.
    I like talking to my teachers at Broadheath.
    I want to learn to play and listen more in year 2

  3. James M.

    My favourite sport is football.
    My favourite colour is light blue .
    I like broadheath school and the teachers.
    I want to learn more art and make new friends.

  4. Zayan J.

    My favourite sports is football ⚽️
    My favourite colour is light blue

  5. Hosanna N.

    My favourite sport is gymnastics because I will get to go to gymnastics class.
    My favourite colour is pink and blue.
    That we have got brilliant teachers and we have summer fair.

  6. Martyna Z.

    WOW. I. can’t. wait. to. be. in. year. 2. because. l. will. have. the. best. teachers. in. the. world. and. my. my favourite colour is blue and I love all of my friends at Broadheath. My favourite sport is tennis.

  7. Great O.

    My favourite sport is football.
    My favourite colours are blue ,red and yellow.
    I love broadheath because I get treats for doing good.
    In year 2 I would love to learn new things about sports .

  8. Bavisun A.

    My favourite sports is football ⚽️. My favourite colour is green. When we go to the to the trip.
    I want to do more of work.

  9. Amelia B.

    My favourite colour is blue.
    My favourite sport is basketball.
    I love my teachers the most at Broadheath because they are kind.
    In year 2 I would like to have friends and learn new things.

  10. Rabia S.

    I can’t wait to be in year 2 blue. I am excited about learning new things and spending time with my new teachers .

  11. Shreya S.

    I cannot wait to be in 2 blue l just can’t wait 😍

  12. Rishaan C.

    My favourite sport is football.
    My favourite colour is dark blue.
    I love about being here because it’s so much fun and I can make new friends.
    I would like to do art and everything because I’m very clever and smart.

  13. Abdulkafi E.

    My favourite sport is football and tennis.

  14. Mueez K.

    I love you mr Mahmood and your the best teacher

  15. Zayaan M.

    Mr MaHmood is the best teacher in year two

  16. Zayaan M.

    Mr ma

  17. Albert Q.

    My favourite sport is football .
    My favourite colour is red.
    I respect my teacher! I am very happy to study here!
    I will study hard and show my teacher how good I am.

  18. Mrs Mattu

    Wow! 1Red all I’m going to say is that you guys are so lucky to have Mr Mahmood and Mrs Walker as you y2 teachers. They are both amazing teachers and you guys are going to be ACE in year 2! 😊

  19. Zayaan M.

    My favourite sport is football
    My favourite colour is red
    I love learning and playing with my friends at playtime.
    In year two i am looking forward to working hard :))
    I am very excited

  20. Hadi A.

    my favourite sport is foot ball

    my favourite colour us dark blue

    swimming is my favourite thing in broadheath

    i want to learn more so i pass my sats and i want to play fun games after we have done our learning if we have time

    i am so ecited

    1. Mr Mahmood

      Super comment, Hadi. Well done. We will do lots of exciting learning in Y2 and we have so much to look forward to! See you tomorrow.

  21. Rayyan R.

    My fav sport is basket ball.
    I like rainbow but my fav colour is red.
    Rayyan said i like the learning in my school its fun and we like play time.
    In year 2 i want to do learning but with lots of fun and playtime.
    I am very excited but sad as well.

    1. Mr Mahmood

      How exciting! Well done for commenting on the blog, Rayyan. You’ll have a great year in Y2, so nothing to be sad about. Miss Smith and Mrs Mattu will always be around if you’re missing them.

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